Simple hours calculator for manual timesheets
Tired of tallying Base 24 and Base 60 at the end of a long day?
HoursCalc is a simple timesheet hours calculator, featuring:
- Save and refresh default times.
- Modify times by spinbox or type-entry.
- Outputs both clock time and hours in decimal.
- Deducts your lunch break.
- Input sanity checking.
- Windows version runs on a wide range of other operating systems (including M1-based macOS, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Linux and BeOS) using
Wine; and natively on ReactOS.
- Workflow is the same in Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/X11 versions.
- Platform appropriate look and feel.
- Extensive Tooltip help.
- Simple free use licence.
HoursCalc is used by contractors, labour hire firm workers, and casual consultants, to quickly calculate each day's hours,
ready to copy into a spreadsheet or online form.
Users of M1-based Macs should use the Microsoft Windows version with WINE.